Dean of Primary - Term 1 Edition #3
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We are now at the halfway point of Term 1. Hopefully, all boys feel settled and on top of the logistical aspects of a new school year. Classrooms are very busy and the boys are producing some outstanding work. The start to the year has been very positive and I encourage all parents to have a conversation with their son about the importance of maintaining that effort into the back end of the term. The next few weeks will require focused learning in readiness for upcoming assessment before camp for both year levels in Week 9 (Year 5) & Week 10 (Year 6).
Could I please draw your attention to some of the main issues that impact the boys across both Year 5 and Year 6, listed in dot points.
- Developing a strong sense of connection is very important at the start of a new year. These connections are critical for all boys. The connections we strive to build include: Peer connections, class connections, year level connections and connection to the wider the Lauries community.
- All classes are unique and operate in a slightly different way, however; consistency of opportunity, programs, pastoral care and lesson structure are key to providing each boy with a quality experience. Please encourage the boys to share their class OneNote with you and discuss the routines and expectations that they should be familiar with now.
- Lauries provides a lot of information and we use multiple communication platforms. It is vital that parents stay on top of all communication to assist the boys with organisation.
- Boys do best when parents and school work together. We look forward to a strong and productive partnership this year.
Important Notes for Parents
Lost property has already started to build up in the Primary Office. If your son misplaces items, please direct him to check the lost property cupboard at the Primary Office door. All items should be labelled to make returning lost property a quicker process.
Parent Information Night Videos
Please see below the links for the “Primary Information Night”.
Procedures for Visitor to the School
It is essential for all visitors to report to the office (Main Reception or Primary Office) during the day. This includes to drop off laptops, food, phones etc. that have been left at home or if parents are collecting sick boys. No visitors should go directly to classrooms without reporting to the office first. I am sure you can appreciate that we need to be aware of all adults onsite to help keep boys safe. This process also prevents unplanned meetings with staff that might stop them from teaching classes or preparing for lessons. Parents are welcome to make an appointment to see staff or leave a message for a return call on the phone, but classroom visits without reporting to the office is not fair on staff or the boys.
Absent from School
It is essential to report your son’s absence from school. If he is not attending, please use the College APP or contact the Primary Office on 3010 1142 or via email and leave a brief message with your son’s name, class and the reason for his absence.
Lauries Journey Awards
At our Primary Assembly each fortnight, we celebrate and acknowledge boys who have made an outstanding contribution to our community or their class. These students will be presented with Lauries Journey certificates to formally recognise the great things they have done. The awards celebrate the achievements of boys from all classes and are awarded to those who show strong character and/or the desired “Learning Dispositions”, reflecting the Lauries Journey and helping to strengthen our community. Each fortnight the names will be published in this Newsletter. The certificates for these awards will be passed on to the boys to keep in a safe place.
Drop off for Students
Please use the designated drop off zone near Savio Oval (outside the Lauries Shop and Canteen) to drop your boys to school each day. The loading zone on the ERPAC driveway is not a drop off area and is heavily congested in the mornings with hospital and St Laurence’s staff. It can be very dangerous to drop boys off in that area and then try and turn around in the driveway. This is even more important at the moment, with construction adding to the congestion in that area.
Significant Upcoming Events
NAPLAN (13-18 March)
Please see the detailed NAPLAN information in the “Teaching and Learning” section of this Newsletter. Year 5 parents should avoid making appointments during the testing period and ensure the boys have a restful week. We hope this early notice allows Year 5 parents to make any necessary changes to schedules for that period.
Year 5 and Year 6 Camp
In the final two weeks of this term, both our Year 5 (Week 9) and Year 6 (Week 10) boys will go on their annual camp. Please keep a close eye out for notifications on Parent Lounge and return required forms by the due dates.
Grandparents’ Morning
Year 5 Grandparents’ Morning is coming up, on the final day of Term 1 (Thursday, 28 March). Please see the invitation in the “Events” section of this Newsletter. We hope the early notification allows the boys to invite grandparents early. The morning will run from 9:00-10:30am and it includes some classroom time and some morning tea.
Each fortnight the Primary School Leaders will be including a short piece in this Newsletter. They will share their "Spotlight" for the fortnight that they talk about at Primary assembly and ask the boys to support and be aware of.
In this Newsletter you can also read about Curriculum Updates, Music, Events and Lauries Journey winners this week.
Enjoy the next fortnight.
Cameron Wigan
Dean of Primary